Saturday, December 29, 2012
"Thank You".....
"Thank You". I think those two words cried out within me this past year. Sometimes I would just drive down the road and cry. Don't know why. It just happened. Maybe, I was somewhat overwhelmed. I just felt so thankful to be alive, just to breathe, just to create, just to have a chance. "Newness" has been a word that has been in my conscious a lot lately. Newness in life, love, dreams, actions, and becoming closer to the spirit within. Learning, growing, and feeling, a "newness" is open and available to you. My spirit within has been excited about it. A voice keeps saying to me, "All you have to do, is be open and available to it. Whatever, that newness is, I know, "its all good". I also know, you can think things into your life. An example was today, I was at work, and for some reason I was thinking about guns. After all the terrible tragedies that have happened recently with guns, I thought, I know it, someone is going to walk into this store with a gun. No later than ten minutes, it happened. Someone walked into the store with a gun. However, it was a police officer. Funny huh? I know. I realized at that moment, throughout the chaos, I am going to be okay. However thoughts are powerful. I realized when I saw the officer walk in, you are meant to be protected, you flow in peace, you will be and are safe. Walk in your newness, be open to it, create in it. It will move in a spirit of peace and love. No matter where you are, those are two things that are always available and open to you. Give Love and peace, and it will surround you always.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Randomness....Alien lover
I've always wondered why I was so different, why I never fit in with the so called "norm", and why I've had a deep connection to music creation. One reason. An alien abducted me and took me to the moon. Yes, its true. I totally feel that I've seen the moon, and now there is a glow within that just can't stop . I at times feel as though there is something extremely extraterrestrial about myself. An alien would probably feel extremely attracted and drawn to me. It's cool to have this feeling though because I know I'm not the only alien on Earth. There are more of us out there. I've been in tune with my essence lately and its speaking loud and clear. It says, you are not suppose to fit in. Never have, never will. But remember, you are not alone. There are some pretty major and important things you will create and do while you are here so just enjoy the ride. Now I know more than ever, my love connection shall be alien.
Until next time, Peace
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Mas Love, Joy, Peace, and Green Leafy Veggies....
Hey there! Signing in on some randomness...I just had to share this amazing feeling. I decided to decorate my un poco casa with some holiday cheer. I put up my teeny tiny christmas tree, lights, snowman wreath and decorative stuff door hangers to get in the spirit. It was something about the process of decorating and putting everything together. It feels great! I feel more peace, joy, and cheer around the house. I even got a lil cup as you can see that has the character of the holiday with peace, love, joy, and faith, all decorated with festive designs.
I am still working on new music, recording, working, and still dreaming as I create. I've been trying out eating more green leafy vegetables lately and less meat and what an awesome feeling! The cabbages, turnips, collards, and broccoli, you see in the pics were all grown from the hands of the "green man", my Dad. He produced some of the most beautiful plants this year. He passed turnips, collards, and cabbages out this year to so many people and they all talked about how awesome they were. I learn so much from him. The spirit of giving is in him, and when you can give from your heart, you are receiving more than you know.:-) He's an awesome and funny dude.
I'm a new auntie. Babies are such a gift. It is amazing how two people can create something so precious. Life! My nephew was born Dec. 7, 2012. It's funny how my mom said I weighed an ounce more than him and he was suppose to be born around Christmas. I guess he couldn't wait! I'm working on choosing visuals for the album. I also found out, "Hooked" was chosen on a mix compilation for Soulbounce. Go to to check it out! I hope you are enjoying this season. Mas love, joy, peace, happiness, and faith to ya. Yes, i'm playing around with putting together a picture book now. I'll leave you with this one excerpt I wrote in my pic book. "Love." Transforms so many things. I would rather be on the endless upbound stream of its current, riding the wave." Until next time, Peace D.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Drea New Music!!! "Come To Me"......:-)
New Music.....
Finally...I decided to release this creativity...I talk about it so much and am happy to share it. You can check out my new single at It will also be available for purchase at The song is pretty much a flow that I was feeling one night up late vibing. The music always seem to come to me first. Once I had the feel, I just let my creative flow do the rest. Music just gives me such a boost when I'm creating and I'm just glad it chose me as a creator. Well off to do some more creating and hope you enjoy the listen. Until next time, Peace.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Uniquely Magical You:-)
You are special. You are unique. You have everything you need in order to see the love that is inside. It is yours to pull from anytime you need it. It lightens a room. It brightens a day. It's exciting. It's cool. It's refreshing. Your unique beauty does so much for the heart. It shows that the sun will still rise and shine. No matter how thunderous it may get sometimes, the sun still shines again. Feel it in your heart. Know that the power is in your hands. You are so special. When you see what love sees, the magic begins to happen. Your skills, beauty, power, and touch is unique to you. It was designed to do what it does through your heart, through your eyes, through your soul. We all have something we want, something we dream of, and now step into the magic that you have and let it shine. It is Uniquely yours. You are uniquely, magical You. Until Next time, Peace.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Woman with Blindfold and Two Swords.......My Tarot Reading...
I had an awesome thing happen today. I had a reading. Yes, while I'm reading a lot more, I had someone read me. She has a lot of fun doing readings, and she is a pretty awesome person, so I said, why not, let's do it! Yes, she read into me. Actually, she gave me a little insight into what the cards were telling her. Very insightful and pretty close to what I've been pondering about for the past few months. I know there is something that is going to happen, and its Big, really Big. It is something that I have to face. My road. Which road do I take? My ship needs a clear path to sail. My plane needs a clear runway to fly. Two paths. One that is known, and one that is unknown. The path that is unknown has the biggest risk, yet it can generate the same amount of success or even more than the other. Which way do I choose? When something is in your heart, you know the way. It is a matter of trust. It was so funny in that, this reading told me that because I have these two options, I need to choose carefully. Do not tie myself down with trying to do so many things. I chuckled because I just wrote a blog on saying "No" to things. Also, I just got an awesome audio book, "The Secret", which deals with creating the road you want. All of this came into my space before, and now this reading has shown me something big. You can see so much better when you uncover your eyes.
My past life was said to have been one of a great counselor. Patient, wise, and great at giving advice. Usually these are associated with a position within a church or spiritual place. The new life will be based upon which road I take. The known or the unknown. The road where I take a risk and go for it, or the road that is known. I realize I'm going to have to face it head on. Which one will I take? I guess I will just have to wait and find out:-) Until Next Time, Peace.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Yes? Please....Heck No!!
I use to get on my nerves. But I was holding that two letter word in. I was saying Yes to everything. Can you? Yes. Will you? Yes. May you? Yes. We need. Yes. Blah Blah Blah! I was tired of it. My insides were telling me I needed to do something but I didn't listen. I was still doing what everybody else wanted me to do. Until, that awful day, my body got tired. It said No! Yes, my body said No! I was in doctoral school, working 3 jobs, doing all the Yes stuff for other people, and even more. I look back on my school days and I loved to say No! I didn't want to be part of some stupid popular group, I made up my own. I made my way. I did my thing. I was an Independent Misfit. It was cool. I was in my own lane and loving it! All day, every day. Hahaha! That was just me. But then, I went to college and well............*see my shirt* cute right? don't say it...hahaha...(ok back to the story)......
Well, you ask what happened? Fear. Yes, fear set in. I was doing so many things, and wanted to succeed at all of them, and the one thing I didn't realize, succeeding, does not mean you say yes to everything. You can still succeed if you say No! Even Heck No! This is what makes you the individual you are. You have your own path and your own unique mind. I was in an awful space and I broke down. I went to the doctor and was told simply, You need to say "No" and get some rest. You can't do everything. We need help sometimes. This is hard for me still, as I tend to be very independent. I'm still an Independent Misfit. Some now however say I'm a smarty pants. Great! Awesome! Say It. I don't follow everything, I don't feel everything, I don't like everything, and so what? I use to think, if I didn't people please, love wouldn't be there. Boy, was I wrong.
Once I took that doctor's advice, I was expressing everything. I was cursing like a sailor. I started expressing to the umpteenth power. I was just trying to express how I felt and I did. It felt good. It felt great! Once I realized this, I couldn't go back. There was no way I was going back. My Dad said to me one day when I came home, "you sure were nice and quiet before you left." Hahahah! Oh yeah! I look at myself and that expressive part of me is something I was discussing with my mom. She said she was nice and quiet at first too, but boy has she changed! I'm still for the most part, a generally quiet natured person, but when it's time for a "No", you're gonna get it. Express. Get It Out... Say It, "Heck No"! Until Next Time, Peace.
Friday, August 17, 2012
O.K. That's It...You!!! Go to Time Out........
But, what if there was an Adult time out? This would be much better than high school. This would be a life school. Your teacher can put you in time out, any time, and any where. Anytime you show your assets, in time out you go! How awesome is that? No more obnoxiousness, not a word. In time out you go! Don't even think about going to your job if you violate the rules. You would have to serve your time, in time out! When you are in time out, you can sit and think about your actions. Time out worked so well with my students because the #1 reason my students got in trouble was because they feared no one was listening, and they wanted some kind of attention. Some would break every rule to get it. They had no respect for their classmates, no respect for their surroundings, they just wanted to do whatever to get it. Back when I was in school, I got paddled. Can't do that in the school system now a days, but whatever it was I did, I didn't want to do it again. Time out worked for my some of my students and sometimes it didn't'. But when it worked, it worked really well.
I think about our country and how we have so many privileges and rights. It is such an honor to be able to express how we feel freely, whenever we want. That is freedom, yet many people don't have it around the world. We have some countries where it is entirely against the law for women to read. Many times, that freedom is abused and misused. Someone said, when you lose something, it makes you realize how valuable it is. That is true in many cases. When you lose something, you can gain the concept of giving thanks for everything and being grateful for it. What if women were stripped of their freedom of being able to read a book or say whatever they want in this country? Ooo boy! What if we didn't have that freedom? We are so fortunate. We all need a time out that makes us take time to realize in the time we have to speak, someone does not have that time at all. We are all so blessed to have that freedom. Just because you are a so called "adult" doesn't mean you can't go to time out! Hahaha! I am working on an own online course, and I think "Time Out" would be a great name. Whadaya think? Hahahaha Until next time, Peace.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Gargamel, Goblins, and Wizards....Oh No!!!!
As some of you may know, I love the Smurfs. I use to look at mushrooms in my yard and think the little blue critters would come out. I would just wait. One of the characters, Gargamel, had me laughing for days. He would think of schemes just to get rid of the smurfs for his own power. No reason at all. The Smurfs were not mean to him, they weren't mean to anyone, they just wanted to remain happy and live in peace. Gargamel and his furry companion, Israel, always had to start trouble, just for the heck of it. They were absolutely funny to me at times, but in the end, they ended up on the losing end.
A gobblin is said to have an evil or mischievous creature; a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom.
They are attributed with various (sometimes conflicting) abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins have been classified as constantly annoying little creatures somewhat related to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted as small, sometimes only a few inches tall, sometimes the size of a dwarf. They also often are said to possess various magical abilities."
There is a goblin on my left shoulder, and I'm aware of him. Someone can be difficult around me and there he comes. What is it? My goblin is so ready to do his thing. Some goblins say or do things simply to get a reaction out of you. That is their whole purpose. There is no intent or purpose of leading you or them to peace. They simply do this to lead you further into conflict. Or they do it, to simply say, "hey, hey you, here I am, you don't know jack, punk. I'll show you. See I was right. Didn't I make you feel small...I know everything. Nanana I got the power. I'm always right, loser.
And when its all over, and he's talking his smack through you , you can sit down and ask yourself, "what did I get out of this?" What was the end result from this? Did you feel better because your goblin got his/her point across? Or were you in the same conflict, same limbo you were in before everything happened? More than likely, you are still sitting in the same place, limbo. Nothing changed, you repeated the same thing. You got the same feeling, and you feel like you're well, in the same place. Nothing new, he's just showing you the same old thing. Nothing.
His entire goal is to keep you in conflict with your wizard. He does not want the wizard around, because the wizard can lead you out of limbo. Not only that, he can lead you to a new place, a new joy, a new peace. Your wizard is aware that he can control his environment with a thought. If I want my goblin to leave or go in time out, I can easily do that. In the end, I know my wizard wants the absolute best for me. My goblin, comes out and I realize, he's there. He's ready to cause conflict. His intent is just that. The overall intent of my goblin is simply that he wants what he wants, when he wants it. Period. Hahahaha! He has heard about patience, humility, compassion, and respect, he just chooses to ignore them every time. He fears someone might take him off of his little imaginary throne. This is why he battles and battles, so he can stir up more conflict. He gets a kick out of it, and he wants you to do it over and over again.
"A wizard is stated as a person that is aware of his or her surroundings and is able to control the environment with a mere thought. This person usually has a great deal of understanding of how things in this world operate, how people think and act, and how to comminicate on all levels with people and animals. Wizards are spiritual in their own way. They seem to be at peace with themselves, and they do not entertain immaturity. Yet they have a great deal of patience. Wizards are usually solitary because of how rare they are. If you know a Wizard, you will know that they are respectful, honorable, and compassionate and are a fountain of useful information. Feel fortunate if you happen to meet a true Wizard."
Your wizard does understand things, and your wizard knows patience. Your wizard is wise. Just another epiphany I had today. When my goblin comes out, I am learning something. The one thing that I learn every time is that, it doesn't feel good. My stomach feels weird, and I don't like it. Get me out of this place, out of this feeling, I do not want to stay here. My wizard teaches me a new lesson every time. The place I go is fresh and new and it always leads me back to the peace that is naturally within. Let your wizard guide you to the most beautiful places in your mind. Let your wizard guide you to a place of significance so strong, your goblin can't say a word. Until next time, Peace.
I Still Got It.. Bring It!....
I did something I have not done in a long time. It was almost out of my memory because of work, and other things that have been going on with me. It was something that I was super talented in and the energy of it is so familiar. I picked up my basketball. I picked it up and it felt great. I haven't played in a long time, but I know I still got it. The energy I had when I was on the court at 12, is still within me. I use to slay chicks that were in 12th grade at the age of 12. I would hoop with the dudes so I knew how to play hard. My jump shop was killer, and I had a mean cross over. My energy was relentless and I wouldn't stop. I knew in my mind that when I picked up the ball, it was going in the hoop. No matter what. My steps only saw me taking it to the hoop. Nothing was going to stop me.
I realized, that's the energy I had to remember in anything. There was nothing stopping me on the court and I could apply that same energy to anything I wanted to pursue. That is how you have to take life. I'm in such an aggressive energy right now, and it made me realize, this is the same kind of energy I had at 12 years old. My coach told me I was the most talented basketball player he's ever seen, male or female. That said something. My energy like this is bananas and...I still got it. Whatever comes your way, dunk on it, knock it out the box, put it in the hoop. We are at the free throw line many times and are scared to shoot. Why? We listen at other voices, people saying you have to do this, you have to do that. Just shoot the freaking ball. Hahaha! This is your court, your game, your life. Don't stop because of things that have nothing to do with your game. It is all about what energy you bring to the table. Bring it! Until next time, Peace.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
I'm So Attracted 2 you, just......
don't know what to do with it. She's super fly, beautiful, sexy, crazy, funny, complicated, simple, mean, yet sweet. Ever been so attracted to someone, but you just don't know what to do about it? I have. When I'm around them, I just get this giddy giddy feeling. I typically will try to avoid, or block them at all costs. It is such a distraction, but I dig the attraction. I'm loving this chick and I don't know what to do about it. This assertive aggressive energy I have been on lately, has been taking me places I didn't know existed. It is like a magnet. I want it and I know it. I'm on top of the world because I know its getting ready to be released. I feel it all over. It has said to me, it's time. It's time y'all. It's time for us to unite. No more running. Its time to go inside you. It's time to live inside you. It's time to be One. Until next time, Peace.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Live on the Edge ...
A creative edge. It's strong and forceful. It will move whatever, whenever, out the way. Love it:-) Especially when I'm creating. I'm just on it today! I feel it so strong. Have a great rest of the day! Live on the Edge:-)
Something About The...
Mornings..Every time I wake up I do realize it is a new day. I get so excited to see the sun rise and hear the birds chirping. Its something so awesome about it. I can look out my window and see cows, and hear them mooing away. I am on this whole punching procrastination in the face mission, and I've done three things already and feel so accomplished. The mornings also make me realize that I had a dream through out the night. I woke up this morning remembering the dream all too well, and then, I forgot it. I get so Ugggh, when that happens. I guess my task list or things for me to do, took over. I hardly ever write in the mornings so I am feeling amazed and happy about this one. Now off to the morning exercise! I hope your day is beautiful and filled with lots of new things for you to discover! Now go discover it! Hahaha..Until next time, Peace.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Can You See It?
It is amazing to see things with clarity. When my glasses get dirty or full of moisture, I take my cloth and wipe them so I can see with clarity. If my contacts feel dry, I take them out and put on my glasses. If I walked around with foggy or dirty glasses, I couldn't see as well. I would stumble, fall, and trip over too many things. I wouldn't be able to read the books I do, or do many other things I love. It's just great when you can see things with clarity. One thing I've learned is that when I see things with clarity, it helps me walk exactly where I need to. I don't have to guess, or figure out, or depend on someone else to lead the way, I can just go where I want.
I know when I go get an eye exam, as the letters get smaller and smaller, they look blurred. I can't see a thing. When he adjusts the lenses to my prescription, I can see so clear and with clarity. When he asks me what letter I'm looking at, I can tell him with no stuttering, but with the simplest answer. When I can't see the letters well, I answer with a hesitation, or I'm thinking what I think it might be, or I'm squinting (if that is such a word) trying to figure out exactly what it is. I had another epiphany today. When I can't see a clear picture of something, my stomach doesn't feel right. I need to see with clarity. Things that are blurred, are not clear.
In anything, goals, relationships, dreams, hopes, desires, and love, when you can see it, you can achieve it.:-)
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I Punched You.......And
If felt great! It felt amazing. I knocked it out! Procrastination got socked right in the eye. I've been procrastinating on everything lately, so I told myself, when I accomplished a goal, I would acknowledge it. I've been back to my reading surge and it is awesome. It has opened my mind to so many things I was already doing, I just didn't realize how I had been doing it. One goal I gave myself in the next few weeks was to get back on my reading routine and guess what? I did it. It's done. I knocked that goal out the park and punched my procrastination right in the face. My nieces were a big help as well and they didn't realize it, but I would take them to the library and they loved it! They loved it so much, they asked me to take them again. It is amazing how kids can be so inspirational. Whenever I get in a book, it challenges me, expands my knowledge, and takes me to a whole other planet.
Punch#2- I love food. Sweets, sweets, veggies, and sweets. I love a little meat too, but I've been eating more veggies which is great, but I said I wanted to cut some sugar and concentrate on getting more exercise. Guess what? I did. My nieces again were asking me, "when are we going to exercise?" It had been raining so there was an excuse for me to wait another day. But Oh No! Procrastination was about to get beat down again. They said, we can just dance inside. And so, my niece decided to show me how to Wobble. What a workout! We do it right where we are. It's fun but woo wee! Wobble baby Wobble baby Wobble baby Wobble. I gotta do it all those times! Good Lord!
When I was really training, I was in a dojo and punching a body bag. I do miss that experience. It was fun putting all my strength and energy into punching the bag. I just might get one and put a mean face on it. I'd punch it over and over again. Punching a body bag is awesome cause you can put anyone's face on it and they can't do a thing about it! You can beat them up, over and over again. Hahahaha! Next punch for me is to decide on an album cover and finish up this album. Woo Wee! Punching procrastination in the face is awesome and I hope you try it! Well, until next time, Peace.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Angels and Demons...
I've always been fascinated with Angels. All these beings shed light and seem to come in at the right time to help or bring love to a situation. Do you know angels in your life? I do. They bring love when most needed and are there. They don't do anything but appear at the right time for whatever need of love there is. Some angels include;
Af Bri- An angel who exercises control over the rain
Aftiel- The angel of twilight.
Varcan- Angel of the Sun
Michael- Chief Angel-grants miracles, fosters mercy, repentance, truth, sanctification,
blessing, immortality, patience, and love to human kind.
Lucifer-Light giver or Light Bearer..The Brightest Star
In order to know the light, we must also know the dark. Lucifer was considered a fallen angel. One who was the brightest, yet because of his ego, pride, and sinful nature, became the prince of darkness. There is a book a wonderful friend recommended that I will pick up that studies the angel, his characteristics and power.
What can we learn from angels? As the saying goes, you never know if a stranger you meet, is an angel. I do feel they are here. You may have seen them, spoken to them before, and not even realized it. They can even creep into your spirit and allow you to be an awesome example of love to show the world. Because they are so beautiful, many are attracted to them. Love with all your heart, and the angel just may appear within you. Until next time, D...
Friday, August 10, 2012
Hat 2 Da Back ........
I was listening to TLC today, and I was jamming on the "Hat2DaBack" song, so it got me in a mood. The mood was pretty aggressive. I have to be in that mood because I was getting ready to listen to an audio book called "The Secret". I think I'm kind of assertive and aggressive, so I had to keep that edge going before I entered into cool eezy breezy land with the book. As I started to put the "Secret" in, there was something that came to me before I even started listening. There is something pretty awesome about you. It is in all of us. We just need to tap into it. I knew, I wanted to be aggressive about it. Ok. now onto the epiphanies I had today. Ok. Yes, I said it. There is something magnificent about you...
But...Ya Gotta See It First...We Attempt to Allow Others to Give Us Happiness. Yet, You have the ability to create it, exactly how you want it.:-) I am already listening to the "Secret" and its pretty powerful. Anything you want, you can attract by your thoughts, your feelings, your vibrations. If you have negative thoughts, you attract more negative thoughts. If you have positive thoughts, you attract more positive thoughts. I do believe this is true, and I will admit that I am a pessimist at times, but when I'm creating, I see how it attracts an awesome feeling inside. I know I need to crush it.
My pessimist side gets in the way of what's really trying to happen within me. One thing I gathered, while listening to the Secret is a question. If I can have anything I want by my thoughts, then can the Universe answer my questions ? When I was 16, I said I was going to have a particular vehicle, and guess what I have? When I was 8, I said I was going to be a musician, and guess what I am doing professionally today? It is so amazing how what you think, turns up in your reality. A friend of mine stated, Andrea it is true, thoughts are things. Words are powerful. Thoughts are powerful. So Yes, I think it can. I have so many questions, and my mind goes all the time, but I never thought about it like this. Many times, I wondered which way I should go, but I never asked. I was never specific. I just allowed what came my way. I didn't pursue. Other people, fear, and doubt, would tell me, back off. Also, if my tummy turns a certain way when I'm trying to drive something, I think to myself, okay something is not right about this. It is probably because when I visualize it in my head, the picture looks blurred. It needs to be a clear picture for me. I realize that now.
But...Ya Gotta See It First...We Attempt to Allow Others to Give Us Happiness. Yet, You have the ability to create it, exactly how you want it.:-) I am already listening to the "Secret" and its pretty powerful. Anything you want, you can attract by your thoughts, your feelings, your vibrations. If you have negative thoughts, you attract more negative thoughts. If you have positive thoughts, you attract more positive thoughts. I do believe this is true, and I will admit that I am a pessimist at times, but when I'm creating, I see how it attracts an awesome feeling inside. I know I need to crush it.
My pessimist side gets in the way of what's really trying to happen within me. One thing I gathered, while listening to the Secret is a question. If I can have anything I want by my thoughts, then can the Universe answer my questions ? When I was 16, I said I was going to have a particular vehicle, and guess what I have? When I was 8, I said I was going to be a musician, and guess what I am doing professionally today? It is so amazing how what you think, turns up in your reality. A friend of mine stated, Andrea it is true, thoughts are things. Words are powerful. Thoughts are powerful. So Yes, I think it can. I have so many questions, and my mind goes all the time, but I never thought about it like this. Many times, I wondered which way I should go, but I never asked. I was never specific. I just allowed what came my way. I didn't pursue. Other people, fear, and doubt, would tell me, back off. Also, if my tummy turns a certain way when I'm trying to drive something, I think to myself, okay something is not right about this. It is probably because when I visualize it in my head, the picture looks blurred. It needs to be a clear picture for me. I realize that now.
So, again, I realize I have to be specific and in tune with my intuition. Why? There is a reason. My tummy feeling is telling me I need to back up off this, because what you think you want, may not be aligned with love's desire for you. When you release yourself to love, love will give you the desires of your heart. Yes. That is what I gathered from the Secret. Well actually it is an Epiphany for me. Wait! This is an extraordinary epiphany. Love, will give you all the desires of your heart. Wow! That just came to me. Excuse me. My insides feel great! I never asked for the answer to these questions How, When, Will It Happen? If I allow love to give me the desires of my heart, I can have anything I want. So now, I realize that's what I must do.
Ask and Be Specific. Visualize. Believe. Expect It. then Receive. Be Thankful. What is love to you? Can you define it? What is it to you? Of course, being the pessimist I can be, I don't believe in a person being happy all the time. I don't think its realistic. I will be angry sometimes. I will get upset. But I only go through this to help me face the fear that is inside me.
I must allow love to take over and then give me the desires of my heart. What I'm saying is, when I allow love to lead me, it will do that, it will give me the desires of my heart.
It will change what I thought I wanted, to what love knows I need. And that will be what I desire because love gave it to me. Wow! Another Epiphany! Woo Wee! My tummy feels great! That's what love's desire is for me. Love wants happiness, fulfillment, and peace. Love's desire for us all is pretty awesome. All of these things I will then want, it will be aligned with love's desire for me, so I now know what I need to do in order to get it.
My feelings have to be aligned with love. The audio is stating I can't think "bad" thoughts, and feel good. I can't think "good" thoughts and feel bad. It is exact like the law of gravity. Very interesting read. Before I started reading this book, I made an affirmation for myself. I use to be afraid of my voice, and would hide behind the music because music making comes to me so naturally. I never really loved my voice. I never loved on it. I loved on a keyboard because I would visit it everyday, practice with it, play on it, create with it, but I didn't do that with my voice. I would never really say anything if I disagreed with someone or didn't like something because I was totally afraid of the reaction. Now, I know my affirmation every day is the following.
#1. My voice is beautiful and a wonderful vibration for people to feel and hear. That is pretty amazing, and I'm saying it every morning and it feels awesome! I'm starting with small things, as I certainly will see the law of attraction in action with the small things. More to come as I continue to listen to the "Secret".
On Chapter 3, more to go...Until next time, peace.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Rabbits Read...And So Much More...
As my day unfolded, I woke up early this morning, spent some time with my parents' dog, Gul, got in an awesome exercise, and was ready to start the day. My niece has a birthday coming up, and so she has been relentless in her pursuit of it being her birthday week. We decided on skating, the yogurt spot, and a place I'm so proud they love to go, the library. The library we visited is a new state of the art facility, so it is pretty awesome to visit. I was trying to find some books that would stimulate my me and decided to pick up the one I've heard so much about called, "The Secret".
It was available, but they had the audio version of it, so I can't wait to listen to it. I also decided to pick up "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. I heard a great deal about this one so of course I have to see what story unfolds in this suspense novel. Lastly, I picked up 52 small changes by Brett Blumenthal which looks like a very easy to follow practical guide on the small things that can change your life in a big way.
I am also brushing up on my spanish, so I picked up another audio book on that and it is "muy bien".
So, on the way back, we tried to find this skating rink. Unfortunately, I think it must have went out of business, so I had to think of something else. Then I saw it, a pet store. My nieces absolutely love animals, and so do I, so we decided to go in. As soon as we entered, there were these adorable puppies and then, the rabbits. They were in their space with what looked like 2 hamsters. I thought it was so interesting how they were able to read where their water came from. The water was not in a bowl, it was in a spout against the wall. I found it so fascinating how they could realize, this was where their water supply was. Somehow, they knew. And yes, I'm a little quirky, but I'm still okay. After losing my pug a few weeks ago, I did have a little sadness walking into the store, because I still miss her. But after walking in, I felt better. I'm still taking things one day at a time, but it gets better day by day. I am going to try to remember to talk about the book, "The Secret", once I finish reading it as I would love to explore more on healing and the small things that can change your life in a big way. Reading, just takes me to that world. It takes me to that place. Well until next time, peace.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
You Gave Me The Kiss of Life....
I admit it. There is one thing I love to do, but I don't do it often. It takes me to a different place and I feel new, and excited about life again. It gives me a charge that excites my day. This one thing is special, and if I ever share it, I'm growing in an awesome way. It makes me feel totally alive. I can feel all my senses. It is....kissing. Yes, it is intimate, it is special and it is something that is magical. Something has stopped me from this kiss with life for a long time.
I admit, I'm pretty hard on myself. I constantly try to tackle things that I think I can work on. I almost feel like sometimes I'm an extraterrestrial that's stuck in a human body. I judge. Yes, I judge myself. I try not, and I say, I try not to, but it happens. I just feel like the first person I need to look at if things don't go a certain way is myself. Some things, I have to realize, are out of my control. I cannot in any possible way control everything. Some things will just not turn out the way I want them. Sometimes also, that might be just what I need. If I had bitten some of the apples, or gone down some of the roads I could have years ago, I would not be the person I am today. It is all about growth. Some lessons you learn are placed in your path. You experience them, learn from them, grow. You cannot choose every lesson, but you can certainly learn from them.
I'm learning to breathe, exhale, and feel the release. Being hard on myself only magnifies what I don't like, not how I can grow from the lesson. With every action, there is a reaction, with every choice there is a path that you will walk down. I'm again learning to breathe, exhale, and feel the release. Once this is done, something I've been telling myself lately is so powerful. "I love you". It's Okay. This makes me feel so much better. When I relax and enjoy the love inside me, it spreads into everything I do. I then can go into a space where I am then open to learn, and grow from the lesson that was given. Now I am able to focus on the next thing, and not stay in one place because I can't seem to forgive myself or stop focusing on what could have, or should have happened.
This has made me realize how important it is to embrace all of you. Love all of you. Judging yourself makes you stop and focus on the things that keep you in a particular moment or time in your life. Life keeps going, and so do you. Life keeps loving, and so should you. The kiss of life happens when you can do one thing. Forgive. Forgiveness is one of the toughest things to do in life, but it can be the start of a new beginning.
You can move forward when you learn to forgive yourself and others that knowingly or unknowingly didn't necessarily have the best intentions for you. We can all learn from intent. This one thing can teach us so much. You can then move past hurt, anxiety, bitterness, grudgefulness, and so much more. Forgiveness, is something that can judge exactly how far we are willing to grow. Forgiveness then leads you back to the one thing that connects us all, love. You are then in a place of peace. Now, you can share it and are in a position to know how to receive it. When I'm constantly judging myself, or things I've done in the past, I can't focus on the here and now. Someone is right here with me now, ready to love, but you can't see it because of the judgment. When you remove this and realize how much forgiveness plays a part in you moving forward, you will begin to see with clarity. I go to my quiet place and think about the things that present this clarity. Then I can see, forgiveness has taught me and finally given the one thing we all so desire, the kiss of life.
Free to Love...
You are free to love....wrote a song with a friend of mine about the experience of losing love. It actually, it hurts like hell...but there will be a place in your heart ready and open for you to love once more. The price of losing love, or having lost love in the past is a big one, but knowing that it can happen again is a beautiful thing. It is a freeing sentiment. When you get to that place of freeing yourself from the baggage, the guilt, and the hurt, the freeness allows you to experience love again.
From past experiences, you can learn so much about yourself. You can learn, that maybe its time for you to learn yourself all over again. Maybe you can learn, that each and everyday is a new day, you are new, and its time to start anew. The joy of connection and love is a need within all of us. We all want to feel special, we all want to feel loved. When you are realize, all of this is free to you, you can then create a world full of the joy and happiness you have long desired again. It is not easy, by far, it takes one day at a time. But within that day, know that each moment is yours. Your moment to walk in freedom.
Until next time,

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Love Drunk...
Video from a rehearsal with Ryan Alan...Song is called "Love Drunk" and we all can be intoxicated with love..Music is medicine and I need my dose. More to come. Enjoy.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
There are so many things I could say
that I could think of to make the pain go away
I feel it like a knot in my stomach
I knew it would hurt but I have to face it, can't run from it
The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one
Who would make me smile, in the times I thought there was no one
to be there, to smile, and let me know everything would be okay
You truly did just that, in your own special way
I can remember doing my school papers and you were right behind me in my chair
I tried to kick you out several times, but you would scream with the loudest stare
I knew you were gonna be there, no matter where I'd go
Your love was unconditional and how I loved it so
I wish that day never happened, that I found you laying in that space
I just had to have the faith, you are in a much better place
I remember how you'd make the room laugh, at the drop of a dime
with your sassy class, and those puggy wuggy eyes
I remember how you were there at the transition in my life
You still kept loving me, and let me know things would be alright
I'm gonna miss you and I'm going to take it day by day
I know you're in Heaven, chillin, doing things your way
I said my prayers and I'm thankful for the time you were here
But somehow, you will never be gone, because your spirit will always be near
When i feel love, when i see love, when i know it in an unconditional way
I'll think of you, because you were love, nothing else to say....
Missin You My Lil Baby...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Fear can look like anything.....
My air conditioning was not working in my house, and for the past couple of days it has been humid and in the 90's. I couldn't stay at my place one more minute, so I decided to go down to my parents house and get some rest. I knew it would be nice and cool at their house so I was ready to go. As I made my way through the door, I could feel the coolness hit my body and I was super excited to hit a cool bed. I had lived with my parents through childhood and high school, so I knew exactly where I was going. Make no mistake, even though I've been out of my parent's house for years, I still made claim to "My Room". I was ready to go. My feet could not move fast enough. I was so anxious to get to "My Room" and flop down on my cool bed. It was going down! As I entered the room, I was ready to take a plunge onto my bed. I was ready to enter into the world of dreams. I raised my hands and turned my body to lay down. As I laid down, I hit something and it made a laughing noise. My heart started racing, wondering what could this be? Oooo no, I thought that Chuckie is here. As some may know, I do have some things that make me a little not like the so called "normal" person. As a child, at night, I use to think Dark Vader was in my closet to get me. I got scared and started crying when I saw the video, "Thriller" because I knew those characters in the video were real and out to get me. And yes, I am claustrophobic.
Soooo, as I laid down, there was this laughing chuckle that went straight into my back. I felt the funny thing go into my back and I then shouted a few words I may not need to repeat at the moment. I was saying, what is this? Then my face turned. It was....a
Booga Bear! My heart was racing really fast! I didn't know what to do! So I turned around and before I knew it, I grabbed it by the neck. I looked it in the eyes. Yes, I faced my fear. That's when I realized, this is way too funny, but there is something that I can learn from this. Simply, turn around, and look fear in the eyes. Grab it, and hold it. There is nothing it can do to you. After a while, I started laughing to myself, and I ended up in the world of dreams. Moral of this story, face it, fear could be some old cotton filled booga bear standing between you, and your world of dreams. Until next time, peace.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Don't Give Up...Go For It....
Go for it...Don't hold back. These are three words that I've wrestled with all my life. I don't think I realize how much power is within me if I decided not to hold back. I've held back a lot in life on love, pursuits, and things that took that "all or nothing" approach. I am spontaneous at times, however I let what others think, or what I thought internally in terms of risk stop what I was feeling in my heart. I admit it, I held back. I realize though, there is something beautiful about letting go. You're not holding back, you get a chance to experience how powerful you are.
Loving someone in spite of what happens, just trusting every inch of yourself. Feeling that no matter what, you experienced the passion of You. A lot of times, we think about how that other person or something might hurt us, when its not about them, never has been. It's all about you trusting yourself, knowing that no matter what happens, you will still be okay. No matter how busy or crazy life gets, love still finds us. Right where we are. Sometimes, totally unprepared, unrehearsed, it shows up.
As I'm working on a new album, I'm "letting go" and it feels awesome! I use to listen to outside voices, but now I'm so tuned into mine. I will say, I'm not afraid of letting go, but I have no idea of the magnitude of power that's going to come out of me when I release. That's real. I think I'm afraid of how much power I never realized I had, bottled all up inside. If something or someone makes you feel alive, feel special, gives you a feeling that you've never experienced, go for it. You can then say at least, I gave my all, no matter what happens, I experienced, I did it, Go for it.:-)
Monday, June 18, 2012
Enjoy Your Peace and Live In It....Worry Is Just An Illusion...

Thursday, June 7, 2012
Love and Chivalry......

Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Little things.....Random Randomness
I realize in this world there are so many things out there. Every day, businesses are selling something new. Something new in fashion, the latest technology, or the latest new model car. There are so many things that are constantly being presented to us, we get excited, and try to buy the hottest new item that we think will make us more attractive or feel better. We sometimes think the bigger the house, the fancier the car, the bigger the bank account, the happier we will be.
Whenever I need to see things a little more clearly, I simply look at nature. I see how grateful animals are for the little things. Birds singing in the morning lets me know they are here with no worries, singing their song of life. Cows mooing in the afternoon lets me know they are alive, no worries, grazing on the beautiful grass. These are the little things that say to me, wow they have the secret to happiness!
Things like a new car, new house, and new money are great, but only have a temporary time before the newness wears off. When buying a new car and smelling the newness of it, its great, but how long does the newness last? You might have an old beat up "hooptie", but just being grateful that you own it, and still have a means of transportation, makes you want to clean it, and maintain it as if it were a new Porsche or Lamborghini. By simply appreciating what you have, it only makes you one step closer to the richness for you that's simple and free, Inner peace.
Whenever I need to see things a little more clearly, I simply look at nature. I see how grateful animals are for the little things. Birds singing in the morning lets me know they are here with no worries, singing their song of life. Cows mooing in the afternoon lets me know they are alive, no worries, grazing on the beautiful grass. These are the little things that say to me, wow they have the secret to happiness!
Things like a new car, new house, and new money are great, but only have a temporary time before the newness wears off. When buying a new car and smelling the newness of it, its great, but how long does the newness last? You might have an old beat up "hooptie", but just being grateful that you own it, and still have a means of transportation, makes you want to clean it, and maintain it as if it were a new Porsche or Lamborghini. By simply appreciating what you have, it only makes you one step closer to the richness for you that's simple and free, Inner peace.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Love's Lover...Random Randomness
What's your definition of love? I think I'm going to start with my definition since I'm the one posing this question. I think love has so many good things in it. When I think of love, I think it has peace in it, joy is in it somewhere, happiness is in there, and commitment. Everyone has their own interpretation on it. Some people think it is a never ending list of lovers and it is revealed that way. Some think it can be obtained with that one and only. I think it can be obtained both ways, however I think its a matter of what two people agree and consent to. I don't think its impossible to have that one and only. If I had my choice, I would want that. I think its the most beautiful thing. When two people can commit to it and stick with it. However I do feel there has to be an openness that allows each person to express themselves honestly. I think again though, that can happen though only if TWO people want it. I also think love is faithful. It does not waiver because it can be seen in the conditional but it completely reveals itself nakedly in the unconditional.
Whomever you think of as loving you unconditionally, that could be your example. Some are great at communicating it with words, and some are great at acting it out with action. Whether it be your mom, father, a daughter, son, grandparent, etc. Your family loves you just because, or whomever in your life loves you just because, that could be a great example. I'm a romantic at heart, so I think love can happen unconditionally with a lover as well. No attachment or benefit other than that person loving you totally, freely, unconditionally. You both know, no matter what, you will both be there for each other, and deep down, you would never try to intentionally hurt the other person, only love them and you BOTH are committed to that.
A love that's committed can trust completely and continue to trust because it has communicated what it wants by example. I was so afraid in the past to reveal all of myself because I thought I would hurt the other person, not realizing I was actually hurting myself. I think probably the most beautiful thing about genuine love is knowing when you find that lover that you can show all of yourself, everything is revealed, yet you're still in a state of peace when you're with him or her. At that moment, you completely love loving yourself even more, when you're in their presence. What's your definition on it? Just my random randomness. Share your thoughts. Until next time, peace.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!
Hi Peeps!
Just wanted to wish a Happy Mother's Day to the moms as well as to all the women who influence kids in some kind of way. (God Mommies, Sisters, Aunts, etc.) You all have influence in the lives of others and this is your day! Working on music as we speak and its taking a little longer than anticipated but its well worth the wait. I'm so very excited about this project and I only hope that you guys love it as much as I do. This is the place I just like to ramble so I decided to do something a little different. I'm going to throw out a word, once that word is thrown, let's just well, talk about it....Hmmm...the word is love....What does it really mean to you? I've tried to look at and observe different views on what it means to each individual person, but I've found a great example from a person who even though we may have our disagreements, has never left my side, my mom. Yes, if I wanted to see what love is, she would be the example. When I think of her, I think of strength, determination, committment, faithful, trustworthy, and so much more. This is what I see when I see her and I am so thankful to have her in my life. The way I reason is because of her, the way I think is because of her, and I think the way I love is because of her. How a mother loves you can affect the rest of your life. Hope you had an awesome Mother's Day!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
"Call Me" Video Shots and Footage
Hey everybody! This is some footage I took from the video, "Call Me" back in December 2011. I know, I know, its ummm March 2012. I'm just so picky about things I'm still holding onto it. You will get to see it I'm just not saying when...hahaha! But anyway, here is some old footage I did from behind the scenes...O... you can get the single "Call Me" at Until next time, Peace.:-)

Welcome everybody! It's a new day, a new month, and a new year! Time to set those goals into motion. Procrastination, hesitation, doubt, and all the things that have stopped you from moving into the direction of goodness, productivity, and joy are a thing of the past. We are declaring this as of today! No better time to start than now. Focus on what you want out of life and walk right into it! It is a new day for me and so much has happened to me within the past few months. New ideas, new interests, new music, and.....yes, one thing I said I was going to do last year, I actually did. It will only be a matter of time before you see what it is, but I can't wait. I have new music that is being played in the U.K. as well as the U.S. which is totally awesome! I especially have to thank all the Independent DJ's out there playing the music! So much love for you! I am spontaneous so you may see me just drop in and post a video or just throw out some articles to see what your thoughts are on them. Well check out the new blog and also drop by to check out new music from my upcoming album that I've been slaving to finish:-) You can check out "Hooked" at and "Call Me" at Until next time, peace. :-)
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