Took a very long walk in the park today and its funny how nature makes you think. As I was walking through the park, me and a friend saw this policeman with a horse. I saw this and immediately thought about how high this policemen was on top of this horse as well as how much trust this policeman had to have in knowing that the horse would do exactly what it needed to do. Watching the horse and the policeman also made me feel a strong sense of protection and chivalry.
As I was watching this, it made me think of the great amount of trust these officers had to have when riding. Then it came to me, the more trust this policeman put into this horse, the more the horse would naturally get into a flow of trusting as well. As I also looked at the policeman, I noticed how much respect and admiration was shown to him for riding through the park making sure the park goers were safe. I felt a sense of chivalry and bravery watching the two policemen and it made me feel so safe. This made me realize even more, all the things love can move you to do; be brave, move forward, and exhibit courage. Whatever symbol or experiences you have in your life, know that love is here to guide and protect, and when you put your trust in it, it will do exactly what it needs to do.
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