Life. It can be like a roller coaster ride. Sometimes you can feel like you are riding so high you never want to look down. Then, there is the moment you come down and you are nervous, scared, trembling, feeling like Sanford and Son, "Ooohhh this is the big one." I can remember when I was roughly around 8 years old and I went on a ride at Six Flags in Georgia called the "Free Fall". I for some reason remembered it because that was a moment I had locked in my brain. I wanted to capture the memory internally and I did. There is only one other thing I locked in memory and that was saying the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Never forgot it. But anyway....
As I was going up on this free fall ride, the cart was going up slowly. I was nervous with anticipation. I had no idea of what was coming. I had no idea of what to expect. My heart was beating through my chest and I can remember thinking, please, please, please let me just get through this. And there it was, the moment I had been waiting for.....the cart got to the top of the line and I was looking down from the sky. All I could see was little people, looking like ants. There I was, waiting...then...
"IAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" came out of my mouth...I was holding on to the bar that was in front of me and I was so scared. I felt my heart go down to my toes as the cart dropped at a speed of it felt like 120 mph. I was screaming and watching and experiencing things happen so fast. I was at one point excited and skipping and hopping to get into Six Flags. Then, when I got on the ride and was so many feet in the air, I was scared, helpless, and didn't know what to do.
As I screamed, the cart just kept getting lower and lower. I was approaching ground. The rush was also strong. I was nervous and scared but somehow my heart started beating a little slower and I could see the people on the ground starting to not look like ants anymore. As the free fall ride ended, the nervousness subsided, and I felt safe and on level ground. In a matter of seconds, I felt calm, and at peace. Thank God I got through that one.
Then there was the pirate ship, it was okay. I was trying to dodge the water because at that time I had a perm and was not wanting to go through a metamorphosis shift with my hair. So, I had to hurry up and get the hell off that ride. Then, there it was....The "Mind Bender"...This was the ride, I would never forget.

I got on this ride and was intimidated but I felt okay, because I said at least if something goes wrong, I would not be alone. Soooooo...I get on the ride, and something was nagging me saying no, maybe you should wait to get on something else. I think I may have been right at the age where I could ride it, but it had to be with someone else. I can't remember if it was my sister or my brother that I rode with but it started lighting outside, and for some reason the ride stops. It starts raining and I'm really scared now. The ride stops, as we are turned upside down in the air. WTH???? I am all literally "bent" out of shape by now and ready to go. My heart is beating fast and I'm scared once again and thinking please let me get off this ride.
The ride stops, I'm stuck in the air upside down, and it is starting to rain. Just not my day. I'm now scared, nervous, confused, anxious, hyperventilating, and ready to cry. How did I get myself into this? After about five minutes of waiting, the ride starts up again. This time, as the ride is going through, somehow the roller coaster goes by a tree that is struck by lightening. Another WTH??? moment. By this time, I am saying okay please get me off this thing. There is an announcement that the park is closing due to the rain but we are still on this ride. I am now really nervous. The ride goes around the curve, and the tree is split in half by lightening, almost falling directly on the roller coaster. Somehow, the coaster manages to go fast enough to dodge the hit in time. Whew!!! A close call. The coaster continues on its path. We go around this big circle, my hair is dangling all in the air and finally, the ride is starting to get to the end of the track. Everyone made it off the roller coaster safely.
Life can be a roller coaster. Sometimes you have ups, downs, falls, and unexpected turns. On thing I did remember was that I looked to my left, and there was someone there. I looked to my right, and there was someone there. I looked behind me, and there was someone there. We were all experiencing the adventure. It made me feel better to know that I didn't go through that by myself. As the ride ended, we all got off the ride breathing a big sigh of relief. After walking out the gate of Six Flags, we were all laughing about the whole experience. Once you get on the roller coaster of life, it can be some kind of adventure. Yet, you can smile because you don't have to finish the ride alone.
Until Next Time,
Peace D.