Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mirror watch...

How's life for you? Is it great? What is your mirror showing you? Is it ok? Is it everything you want it to be? Does it suck? There is a common denominator. You. Yes, You. You can change the course of your own life. No need to look at anyone else. The person that has the key to everything for you is you. You are your greatest asset. You can also be your greatest "in a me." Everything in your environment is a direct result of what you think. Your living space, how you talk, the words you speak, all reveal what is taking up space in your mind. Create the best environment in your mind you possibly can for yourself. Lay out the red carpet. Treat yourself to the best possible place you can go in your mind and live there. Find the best you. You are mastering yourself. No competition. Just you. You are everything you could ever dream or hope for. You can know what life can bring to you in the fullest, only if you try and grab it. It's yours. It always has been. As easy for you to say "I can't do this", or it won't work, what if you said, "I can do this, or "yes" this belongs to me. This is absolutely mine and I so deserve it. I was introduced to a chant by a wonderful friend from California and it is, Nam- myoho -Renge -Kyo which means, devote yourself to finding the enlightenment of your life. You can create the life you want. Feel it. Love it. It is yours.

Well until next time, Peace.


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