Friday, October 23, 2015

White Haired Foxes, Vibes, and Value...

Take a look around. What do you see? Everything that you see, was not always here in the physical form. The mind. So many chambers. My mind was thinking about the old Kung Fu movies I would watch on  on Saturdays. I love watching westerns, boxing and fighting. I think I get that from my dad. One character stood out to me. It was the white haired, white bearded, fighter. I believe his name was called, "white haired fox". He would fight with such precision. Sharp as a whistle. Even though he was portrayed as an older character, that did not stop his mind from doing some pretty amazing "kick ass" moves.  He was one of the best. The white hair stood out to me because it was different. He didn't look like all the other fighters. It made me feel like he was really wise. The wise one knows how to balance. His mind was the powerful weapon. As I watch these fights today, I see it as an example of my balance with the vibrations that are moving through the world. I see them coming. Some people have them attached already and are attempting to attach their vibration to you. Ready to balance? Mostly, I find lower vibrational frequencies are all over the place now.  They are waiting and ready to attach. Picking at you, taunting you, saying something to piss you off. Chaos. Exhausting limbo.  Yet your higher vibrational frequencies continue to speak through the limbo, telling you that you are everything you need. What is your "white hair fox" within battling? Who? It is all within you.

Your vibration plays a major part in how you move. What do you mean? You can move the world and out of "limbo" by dancing with your higher vibration. What is a higher vibration. A higher vibration operates out of the center of your being, your purpose for being on Earth. Love. I know,  some days I can be a grouch. I am very hormonal and emotional at times and if I'm in "that mood", beware.
 We all have our "PMS" moments. However, when I become "aware" of my "vibe" I want to get on a higher vibrational frequency. When I am pissed off, I am in a not so good mood, and I notice, people pick up on it, and it affects them in the same way. Someone once said to me, "You get what you give".

Your vibe speaks. It can speak and you don't have to say a word. I am aware of my vibe and I know it holds tremendous value to me. It feels great to be angry and let off steam, eventually I want to get back to my "center vibe". There are so many vibrations out in the world. Balance. You may catch me on a day where I am trying to deal with a lower vibrational energy that has bounced right into my frequency range. I am the first to admit it can give off a "don"t piss me off today" vibe. However, I am aware. I know that I want to get better. I am not holier than thou. Never have been, never will be. Those types give off a certain vibe too. I just want to start with me and my vibe. Please don't kill my vibe. It has its good days and could be better days. I have a lot of work to do. I am a work in progress. I know it. I am aware. Please, don't kill my vibe. It's just trying to breathe.

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