I guess one of the not so normal tendencies I have is that whatever I "feel", talks to me first. I tend to pick up and listen to the things people don't say, as opposed to what they do say. I feel them first. Feel their words. Feel their language. Feel their tone. Feel their own inner peace or conflict. This "thing" whatever it is, has been with me a long time. In most cases, it has steered me in the right path for me.:-) I guess another "not so normal" thing about me is that I've never been one to follow a lot of things. I've always found that cool space in following what feels peaceful to that inner space I have inside me. It knows when something is of peace, and it knows when something is not. It knows and it feels. Yes, it feels.
When there is a hesitation, and I don't get that peaceful feeling, I acknowledge what I'm feeling. Whenever I get that "unsettled" feeling, I feel it, and it tells me what to do or not to do . I sometimes never have to say things, but that "feeling" has a way of guiding me to "yay" or "nah" or "hell nah". I always thought it was "weird". I am aware of it, and I acknowledge it. I am certainly aware when I do it as well, which is probably why I'm so good at feeling it with someone else. I also have this thing that happens to me sometimes, I know what a person is going to say, before they say it. Some say this is Deja vu? Not sure, but it is almost as if I have dreamed the location and setting, and I'm waiting for them to say something, and they say it. It has happened to me a couple of times, and I say to myself, okay, I've heard this somewhere before and I knew you were gonna say that. We are just re-enacting this scene. Some people would just call that "weird". Who knows? Maybe it is.
Sooooo, back to my friend. He asked me if I knew what the dictionary definition for "weird" was. I said, "No". He said, it is relating or being close to the supernatural. Then he asked if I knew what normal is defined as. He said the dictionary states it means to conform to a standard pattern or type. I had an "Aha" moment. Holy Cow! I'm weird. I knew it, I knew it! But I couldn't deny the other part of me. I admit. I do have normal tendencies:-) However my "Weird" is prevailing at the moment:-) When I felt the peace he generated in the room, I knew, this was that something about him that allowed no hesitation in me sharing whatever and whenever with him. The feeling he gave was one of sincerity, love, and peace. Listening to him, you would think he's been on this Earth 80 years. Wisdom certainly doesn't have an age limit. I felt like what matters most to many others, didn't really seem like a big deal to him.
When he explained the definition, we both started laughing hysterically and he said, yes, its true, you are far from normal my dear. But its okay. You are not alone. I knew it when I first met you, and that's why we hit it off:-) You maybe weird, but its cool. You just are relating more with that "super" natural part of yourself....:-) Now I know, my "weird" is kinda cool...! Which one are you? Well, Happy Valentine's Day and until next time, Peace. D.
weird (wîrd) adj. weird·er, weird·est 1. Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
nor·mal (nôrml) adj. 1. Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical:
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