Monday, February 25, 2013


If I closed my eyes, what would be in view to me? Absolutely nothing. I would only see darkness. Even though to someone else with their eyes open, they could see my keyboards, my guitar, and all the pictures on my wall, they could see my space and say, there is a heaven of music inside this chick. However, if I was asked what I saw, I would say "mere darkness and nothing" because my eyes are closed. I can't see anything. I would be going pretty much by what I had been exposed to. Even though there is all this musical, magical stuff in my room, I couldn't see it because, my eyes were closed.
I think we can be so conditioned by our experiences, as well as people that are close to us in our lives. My parents were the first people of whom I was able to watch and encounter, so many of my perceptions, ideals, and beliefs, even though we have some strong disagreements on certain things, I still however see my mom in me, and I see my dad so much in me. These were the first people I was exposed to. Even though I try not to admit it, and declare my independence, they speak through me in some way.

Many times, through my experiences of just living life, dealing with people, and myself, I had to dig deeper. Past experiences can affect how we look at things in the present and sometimes determine just how much we want to see. I can remember one time, I was talking to a friend, who was going through some major trust issues with a dude. I would ask her, well what do you see? Does he give you any reason to think he's seeing someone else? She would tell me constantly, "no not really, I just don't trust dudes". She has a firm belief, that no matter what cloud you think you're on, their all the same.  "I should cross on over on the other side and start dating chicks." I laughed and said, don't think because you date a chick, you couldn't have the same experience:-) However, I had to stop myself and I thought about it, we can base so much on what we experienced in the past, that's all we see in our future.  We are constantly thinking about the mud we walked in, yet we don't realize there could be a yellow brick road about a mile away, if we open our eyes to it. That yellow brick road has been there the whole time, however, we can't even see it, because we are so focused on the mud.  Even though I'm experiencing the mud right now, I know that somewhere, someway, I'm going to walk right on that yellow brick road. Even though I may not have experienced it yet, I feel and know its there. I can't stop believing that because I've only been exposed to the mud.

When we have been exposed to things, they come to life, and sometimes block the view of the beautiful things that could be awaiting us. "In photography some cameras can have positive or negative compensation. They can have more (positive) exposure, or less (negative). When I narrow my view of things and evaluate every experience from things that happened to me in the past, I look over the beautiful things that could arise from me opening my view. I had the hardest time believing this myself, but I can develop my own exposures to see the most beautiful picture. Love.:-) Well until next time, Peace.


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