Sunday, February 3, 2013

3:36 a.m. "Trust" delivered in the early morning....

I was on a musical high. Sometimes I go on a cloud and get engulfed in listening to music. Some artist just take me there. Then, I got a message at 3:36 a.m. in the morning from the other side of the world. "It's ready". My new album was delivered to me at 3:36 a.m. 2/3/13. This is five years of all the stuff that people go through in creation mode, growth. I listen to some of the songs and giggle to myself because I remember exactly what space I was in, and what was happening at that time in my life when I wrote it. There are some things that will be coming to an end for me, yet this is a new beginning. Time to celebrate. 3:36 are the numbers I won't forget, and for some reason, they are close to my actual birthdate. Interesting. There are some amazing musicians, and surprise guests on this album that I'm grateful for sharing this creative space. Their spirit motivated me to go beyond the clouds and create. I thank all of you. There is one that was with me to the end, on this journey, my musical hubby, Z. Thank You. I cannot thank you enough for your spirit wisdom, and for being who you are. As I've learned more about my own spirit, I realized you were the spirit guide that I would come back around to the whole time:-) I'm glad your hands are all over this one. We did it! All of this is and exciting. Five years, love, life, pain, growth, and most importantly, I encountered "it" and I discovered, "Trust" is beautiful. Album coming...It's coming...Really! It is.......Until next time, Peace. D.

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