Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Moving beyond words...

In life, there will be some things that you simply cannot overlook. There will come a time when you have to evaluate what's really important, and what's moving you closer to listening to the most important person that can change your life, yourself. We can become so attached to things, and at times, become overwhelmed, and so absorbed, that we lose focus. The distractions take the lead, and prolong, what we could have or should have been doing in the first place. I was having a deep convo with my mom, and she was talking about how people were acting towards her because of a disagreement. Her time in this space was coming to an end. She felt it, she knew it, yet she was so engulfed in what the other voices were saying, and not listening to the most important voice, her own. She kept telling me that it didn't bother her, because she will tell a person off in a minute, (which is true), however, I know it hurt her. In the end, she found a bright new beginning and is in a better place because of realizing one thing. She had to let go. When we let go, there is something that we can learn from the experience.
Move beyond the words, and fall into action. Many talk about dreams, but when we move beyond the words of saying, "I wish" and we move into action, what a beautiful place. If many of our most notable scientists, athletes, teachers, actors, actresses, and notables listened to others who said they couldn't do it, or achieve what they wanted, we could never experience some of the greatest minds and talents in the world. When we listen to that inner voice, a whole new world can open up. That world is exciting, creative and peaceful. Need not worry what others do, you are the most important person in determining your happiness. However, I do believe in karma, and in everything you do, and how you do it, it will come back to you in one way or another. Exerting energy to something that is however inhibiting your creative energy, is a waste. Refocus your energy on the growth of your soul. When you do this, you can easily move beyond the words and find the greatest treasure, your peace.

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