I find that as I venture through life, I find out the funniest things about myself. I have conversations with some of the funniest people in my life, one being my mom. I take her to the cancer center and this is the time we share things about life, and anything else that comes to mind. Even though we certainly don't agree on everything, I still find that we have some amazing similarities. She can be a sweet person, but if you make her angry, it feels like a level 5 hurricane is near. Anything in the way, will be moved. As an adult, when I come home, I still go upstairs to my mom's room, and lay on her bed just to listen. She has shared some things with me, that I will never forget. When I moved away to college, she would do something I never got from any other person. Now, that technology has moved us so far ahead with cell phones, computers, and gadgets, she did something special. She would write a letter. Old fashioned ink and a stamp in an envelope. When I opened the letter, it was written in ink.

I have to admit, I use texting quite a bit. I just think to myself, I don't want to disturb anyone or waste someone's time if they are busy, so I just text. That way, they can see it on their phone, and also not forget because they can look at the text. For some, its better. It just works, because of the fast pace of life, etc. I still have an old flip phone. My niece calls it, "pretty ancient". I think its so funny that my niece is telling me, I need to get it together and get with the times. I couldn't believe this kid was telling me I need to get with the times. I thought I was pretty tech savvy. At least, that's what I thought. When I would get letters in the mail at my mom, I use to think the same thing.
I was going through my stuff, doing some cleaning, and I found an envelope. That envelope was one of my mom's letters. Still in tact, with the ink, and her signature handwriting. On the first lines of the letter, she writes and asks me how are things going, and tells me what's going on back home. I just had to stop and pause. I had a letter, that was personally written, with my mom's thoughts, feelings, and emotions, tangibly, in my hand. Who does that? I mean, really in today's world. My mom. She sat down, took the time, to write me. When I looked at it, I knew, my mom's energy was with me. Every single letter, every single word, every single line. It was amazing. It just made me realize, how even though I'm a strong proponent for progression, some old fashioned things show love in a timeless, personable way. I can take it out, go back look at it, touch the pages, and see the ink. I can look at how she wrote it, and know, that no matter how busy she was, she took some time, to write a letter. I'm grateful that she wrote that letter. As old fashioned as it may be in this tech driven world, it will always have my stamp of approval.
Well until next time, Peace.
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