Thursday, October 24, 2013
Day 2-Transformation Knocks At the Door
I'm crying...My muscles are too...I have been talking about a personal trainer for a long time, and
there has been this person, right under my nose. He has been on me for some time, with my art, and modeling for his art gallery. With my busy schedule, there has been always something conflicting or getting in the way of us linking until now. He invited me to his shop and what a walking ton of wisdom and a creative synergy I've discovered. He was a boxer for years and is one of the most physically fit men I've ever met. This guy is 59 years old and a machine. His body is that of a 30 year old.
So Lil ol me decides aww, this will be a piece of cake. I can train with this guy because I'm younger, faster, and I do have an extensive athletic background, so, look out buddy. Day 1, he gives me the first test. He says he wants to get a sense of where I am physically. Out of all things, this is my test; Jump rope for 5 minutes. Cool, easy, a no brainer, right? Wrong. My out of shape ass couldn't even jump rope for a minute. I'm saying to myself, Wth? No way, not me. I never saw this coming. Someone else had to allow me to see that I have to push harder. Next task, take dumbbell and walk the floor, stretching the knees. I fell. Wth? next task, with him leaning against my legs, I had to do 3 sets of 20 thigh thrusts. Next task, go up six flight of stairs, two times. next task, boxing, jab left, right punch, then hook. "Go faster, not fast enough". I'm giving him the look of an angry black woman, and he's cracking up. "You are young, and you have one of the best body frames I've ever seen but, you're out of shape. I couldn't believe it. No Way! Not this athlete.
He then says, "o this is just the beginning. We will be hiking, running, exercising in the water, and doing some more stuff, soooo get ready. Your body will be in the best shape it's ever been when I get finished with you. You will learn endurance, and how to use the most important part asset you have, your mind. I was floored, I couldn't believe some of the small easy things I use to do like jumping rope, I now breathe like I've eaten a hot ass pepper after doing it for not even
a minute. He said one thing I noticed was you were saying, "I can't" do no more. "You know your body is listening to every word, right?" I just stopped there and took a deep breath and smiled. Sometimes you can't see what others clearly can see. stop talking, thinking you know it all, listen and release. He is an excellent visual artist and then had me take a few shots for my before and after personal collection. My ass is sore and tired, but I"m up for the next session. Great to see the things you thought you knew, only to discover, there's so much more potential left.
Until next time, Peace
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Passion presents.......

Ever want to do something, but you have all the doubt in the world? Even though you say you can do it, there is always that "what if" thought lurking in the back of your brain. "What if" you actually believed in your passion and followed its call? True story; I'm just coming in from a gig. This was a gig that I got as a "fill" in. It was close to a beautiful golf course and I was playing in a beautiful lounge restaurant. Today was my lazy day, so it took me forever just to get up and get out of bed. I was contemplating even somewhat hoping, this gig would be cancelled because of the weather. However, it was not. I entered the building, and looked at the restaurant where I was playing. I just smiled, because I know when I retire, this will be one of the spots I will "chill" at. I set up my keyboard and all my stuff and as the time was winding down, I was just relaxing before I had to get started. I made it to the place in plenty of time so I could get my thoughts together beforehand. I usually write a setlist down when I'm playing with other people, but decided not to this time, since it was me, by myself. No one to hide behind. Just me, in front, with my keyboard, doing my thang.
As I started playing, all anxiety and fear went away. Sometimes when I play, I feel as though I'm zoning in touch with another planet. The songs just flow through me. I didn't need to write any songs down. I played for three hours, with the setlist being called out to me, through my musical intuition. As I finished my first set, there was a lady who said to me, "absolutely beautiful". I thought, hmmm...this whole "setlist in my head" is not so bad after all. Sometimes when I'm playing, I don't hear anything around me, I feel like i'm tuning into another planet. Another spiritual zone. I just follow where the music takes me, I go. So I take my break, then come back up to do my last set. Believe it or not, I'm pretty shy, so I didn't bring a microphone, didn't announce myself, I just started playing my board. I was trying to get in, and get out.
Once my gig was over, I started getting my stuff together to take to my truck. As I was approaching my car, a gentleman stopped me and said, "I really enjoyed your music tonight". I said, "thank you very much, I was just filling in for someone". He then stated, the Vice President of the hotels was listening to you, and he paid you several compliments. "Do you have a card"? Of course, I'm cheezing right now, because I'm thinking, "cha ching"! He then said, we have several other venues and I'm going to pass your card to the director if you are interested. "We certainly could hear your music at several of our other venues and events." I just thought to myself, now this is amazing. As much as I was trying to get out of even getting out of the house and just being a bum today, I decided to step out and help a fellow musician "fill in a spot". If I was lazy, and stayed home in my comfort zone, that director and his boss, would have never heard me. I just went out to a place I've never been before, and played as if I was at home, in my little studio.
When opportunities come your way, and they feel right, go with it. Even if you want to be a bum, and maybe you are scared, move through the fear. Step out of your comfort zone, and operate in your passion. I wasn't even trying to be "seen", neither was I even trying to get more gigs. This opportunity just fell in my lap. All because, I was in the right place, at the right time, operating in my passion. I'm on a high, and I know, when I play, I don't think about time, because I enjoy it so much. Whatever excuses you have to not operating in your passion, drop them now. Something great could be waiting for you, and it all starts with your passion. Until Next Time Peace, D.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Screw it..You're beautiful...So Get Ugly and Have Some Fun!!!
It's so great to hear of the wonderful "kumba ya" sentiment of giving. It's a beautiful thing when one can give of him or herself. We all can give in some way. There is a beautiful thing about giving not only to others, but also giving to yourself. Taking the time to give back, to yourself. With the busy routine of life, there is always something waiting for us to do. Whether it be work, family, or charity, we all have the capability of allowing ourselves to be pulled in several different directions. When this happens, sometimes it becomes so overwhelming, if someone says something to us, or asks us to do yet one more thing, we can snap. No rhyme, nor reason, that person is about to feel the wrath. As much as we talk about giving, and love, in this particular instance, there is a need that's rising within. Take time to just get away, meditate, spend time to give to yourself. When you can give to yourself, there will be enough "you" left to give to someone else. How great it is to take that time to maybe go walk in a park, or go do something fun to take your mind off stress and the craziness of life. You can then fully receive the rewards of giving when you have given to yourself. So if ya feelin it, go take that walk on the beach. Fun maybe taking a trip to a library or to the park. Baking a cake, playing a nintendo game..Who knows? Whatever makes you smile, take your time to enjoy it, do it. Whadaya have to lose? Get ugly wit it. Ya just don't know how beautiful ya might feel.
Until next time, Peace.
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