Monday, November 30, 2015

Clearing Out....

It's that time again. Time to clear out some things. Each time I look at my space, I get rid of things. Things that just take up space, stand out. I started clearing out things years ago and I do it more often than ever. When I look at how much better my space looks and feel, it makes a world of difference. It can extend to toxic relationships, and things around you that bring you down. Higher vibrational space is attracting so much more these days. Clothes I no longer wear, I can give to a charity center. I help someone less fortunate, and make my space more efficient. How neat is that? Well until next time,



Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Light.......

Light. It can appear at any time. Even when it is raining, the sun can still shine. Darkness. It can appear at any time. Ever felt like you were in a dark place? We all have. Can't really see clearly. Stress, people, places, and things all can factor into our dark moments. What do you do when you can see better and things become visible? You then begin to smile because you can find your way. You can see the road and where you need to go to get to your destination. What do you do when you begin to go within? You begin to take in account, what is good for you and what is great for you. Your higher self is calling. Your light is rising. At your highest self you resemble the light of love. You know something within you is happening. You can no longer sit quiet when things are happening within. The still voice is speaking to you it seems every minute now. Every thing that happens, or does not happen, starts with you.

 That inner voice speaks so loudly. It tells us things and situations we should have removed ourselves from long ago. We listened to every other voice and muted our own. Everyday is an opportunity for life to present itself to you. Life and Death is in the power of the tongue as the proverb states. The great Jesus himself said in Matthew, every "word" is not for everybody. I think he sensed back then, how "lightness or "darkness can be revealed through our words. What do your "words" say about you?
You may have to lose a familiar place, to gain the best space for you. Buddha means "enlightened one" or "aware" one. Are you aware of your highest self?

As Whitney Houston sings, "learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all." You begin to see
more clearly. When you know this, some may be angry, some may even be bitter, but true friends love the real you, and want to see you only at your highest self.

So many people are reaching for their higher self only to be knocked down and silenced by oppression. From the holocaust, to slavery, to subjugation of women, racism and homophobia, things
are changing. There is still work to be done, but light is coming through in the darkest places.
Someone was brave enough to become aware. Someone was brave enough to stand. Darkness may come, but your light can inspire love"s vision.

Until next time,



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Judgmental Escape.....

People can be chaotic. Things can be chaotic. How do we deal? So many things telling us go this way, or go that can have a lot of us not knowing where to turn. Your inner voice of truth is your guide. Everything you need to know and more rest is there.

We all have eyes. We all have preconceived notions and ideas about people we meet. We can all generalize. No matter how much we may think we know everything, we don't. People can have generalizations all across the board. Someone may generalize a person based on their skin color, sexuality, and socioeconomic status. What I have found in my journey is that generalizing is one of the easiest steps to getting caught up. We never get true intimacy in relationships because our judgments get in the way.

We share our experiences, hurts, pains, joys, and losses, only to find, we all have so many great things in common. We all can share and grow when we can recognize at the core, who we are.
I find myself getting caught in my own judgment. My own preconceived notions, ideas, and judgment on someone else, hindered me from seeing that I was holding back the best part of me. I was everything I judged. The one thing that changed everything was realizing change starts with me. I have to work on me before I try to tell you how to be you. By the time I finish working on me, well there will be no more time.

I am my biggest ally and worst enemy. I am forever discovering myself again. Self exploration is a beautiful thing and I constantly submit to its flow. I want to flow in it to discover an honest me, a true me, and a healthy me. Emotionally, physically, and sexually. These are the most beautiful parts of me.  When I can discover the true essence of me, nothing can stop the flow. I am in my best self. No truth is like the truth you discover about you. How can you make yourself better? What am I doing to help myself, so that I may be a light to someone else. Escaping your own judgment zone can help you  see clearly. I can laugh at myself, because I can see my own journey. A lot of work to do. The work however, is the most important job I can "clock" into. Working on me, and focusing on that
Job, first.  Well until next time, Peace, D.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

You can Make It...just "Tri"

I got so surprised today. I felt a brisk coldness when I woke up. It is mid November but the weather has been feeling like mid September the past couple of days. As soon as I saw rain last week, I knew it would probably get colder and it did. I like cool weather, but cold weather makes me want to stay in bed. However, when you gotta go, you gotta go. I sometimes like to go through and clear out things in my space. Cleaning and clearing out things make me feel so good. I opened my closet and looked at how neat it looked. I was patting myself on the back. Feeling super accomplished. As I looked to the top, I saw a beautiful scarf made by an exercise buddy of mine. She was exiting the country and said, take what you want. I have some scarfs I made and you can have them. Any one that knows me, knows that I love scarfs. I love keeping my neck covered. When you are a musician that sings, scarfs can work wonders in protecting your neck area from the cold. I looked at the scarf and thought, "this would be great with my colors today". Then I thought, how blessed am I to have a buddy that can make something as magnificent as this. You can't find this scarf in a traditional store.  No, I have something around my neck that was made by creative hands. Someone that believed, "they could make it".

I love things that are rare to find. A lot of people were complimenting the scarf, saying how much they loved it. All I could do was smile. I am wearing something pretty cool that was made by someone super creative. How cool is that? We all feel discouraged, tired, and overwhelmed sometimes, but what you have inside of you creatively is stronger. I have something wonderful around my neck to prove it.  If you like this and would love to check out other cool creative stuff, go to  or search "Triburban" on FB.  Well Until Next Time,

